Ismond Rosen |

Pioneer in the synthesis of art and science

‘Civilization’ by Ismond Rosen

Ismond Rosen (1924–1996) artist, psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist, created a vast body of art and written work during his lifetime. Mainly self-taught, he studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and the Academy Julien in Paris.

Together with over 500 works of art, Rosen’s diverse output included television documentaries, art historical essays, fiction, major psychoanalytic and psychiatric publications, photographic exhibitions, journals and poetry.

Rosen’s classic work, ‘Sexual Deviation

A primary focus for Rosen was the exploration of the process of creativity. His sculptures and paintings directly informed his psychoanalytic and other writings on creativity. Included in this exhibition are early studies for sculpture.

Described by the Wellcome Collection as a pioneer in the synthesis of art and science, his body of work includes innovative production techniques for stainless steel sculptures. Rosen’s work is in the collections of the Vatican, the National Portrait Gallery, the Wellcome Collection, the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche in Berlin and the Royal Society of Medicine.


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