Wilfred Bion: newly rediscovered footage

Video footage has recently been rediscovered of Wilfred Bion's seminars at the Tavistock Centre, dating back to the mid- to late-1970s.

Here is a taster, which presents Bion addressing his audience in 1977.\u200B

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Video footage has recently been rediscovered of Wilfred Bion's seminars at the Tavistock Centre, dating back to the mid- to late-1970s.

Here is a taster, which presents Bion addressing his audience in 1977.

A demented beehive

Brent Potter, author of Elements of Self Destruction, engages with the works of Wilfred Bion and Martin Heidegger to explore the sometimes horrifying manifestations of 'mass hallucinosis' in contemporary culture and our everyday lives.